Global Investment Portfolios
A theme based bouquet of instruments and equities of global businesses, publicly listed on New York Stock Exchange. It
Is created with mathematical precision using Kelly’s criteria
Comprises all 4 asset classes viz. equities, bonds, commodities & real estate trusts
Enables significantly low/negative correlations within the bouquet
Delivering lower risk and higher returns

Advantages Of Global Investing
Global Investing has proven to have the below advantages in contrast to portfolios that are heavily India focussed
Supernormal profits
50% > Market Return
your investment strategy
yet fully liquid
Single click
with auto rebalancing
Insured & Multi Asset
to protect & preserve capital
Tax support
to manage US & Indian taxes
Investment themes
For the investor who believes in tapping into the opportunity of tech businesses that have the potential to grow several times faster than global economies.
CAGR % Returns (INR)
Performance Stats
3 years as of Oct'2022
Performance Vs Benchmark S&P500
Minimum investment
USD 1000
For the investor who wants to ensure that their portfolios are not influenced by economic cycles and will survive the test of economic shocks.
CAGR % Returns (INR)
Performance Stats
3 years as of Oct'22
Performance Vs Benchmark S&P500
Minimum investment
USD 1000
Get started few simple steps
Sign up using email & mobile number, verified via OTP
Upload KYC documents, Photo & address ID along with a selfie through the app
Account approved in 20 mins
Fund your account online. Takes about 2 days to transfer funds
All set to invest in global markets